Final Shoot Plan

For my final shoot I would like re-do my first experimental shoot, this was inspired by Lorena Cosba. She photographed people showing different moods and emotions on their faces and had them printed on Polaroid type papers to present them. She then ripped parts of the top image out so that the bottom image was showing through. She picked two images that contrasted each other to go together. For example, one image may be of an older lady and the other would be of a younger women, the photos could be of the same person just of when they were younger to older and current. The Younger photo is in black and white meaning this theory is supported due to the photo being old and from the past where as the older woman photo is in colour as it is current. Another theory to add to this project is that the older woman, the current, present self is wanting to be young again, she is hiding behind the younger photo with part of her surest self peering and breaking through the rips in the photo. The feeling of not being good enough and wanting to be different occurs.

To do this I am going to do a shoot using a model and use the contrasting effect again like I did in my experimental shoot. Like before I am going to take photographs of Amber where she is showing different moods and emotions that contrast each other. For example a Happy expression will be placed on top of a sad expression to show she may look like she’s happy however on the inside she is hurting and upset but this isn’t visible. You will then be able to see the sad features when I print out the images and rip parts of the top image out so that you can see the bottom image. I really like this technique as it involves both photography and bit of creative art based work.

In order to achieve this shoot I will take photos of amber in the studio using soft box lighting against two white walls to make the background black, I will then use just the soft box lighting against a white background so I had two sets of photos to play around with. I will then get her to make different expressions so I can use them to contrast against each other.

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