Laura Letinsky – Photographer Research

Laura Letinsky

Laura is a photographer best known for capturing still life. Her photos have a story behind each of them and she likes to capture the “aftermath”. One of her shoots includes objects on a table. With the background being white and plain, the objects on the table really stand out well. This makes the audience focus on them objects and makes them study the photographs more and look into what the photograph’s meaning really is.

For example, there is a shoot she did called “I Did Not Remember I had Forgotten” this includes photos of finished foods in bowls and mess on the tables. By looking at these photos you question yourself “why are these objects on the table?” This is the exact effect Laura wanted the viewers to have. As if to give the picture the feeling of tension. It gives each photo more depth and meaning.

I am going to attempt to follow Laura’s footsteps in taking photos using her style. In order to achieve this I am going to use a table with a white backdrop and white sheets to make my photo as clean and clear as possible. By using the idea of “Why was it placed there” aftermath I’m going to place modern day objects such as makeup, food, drink and various other items on a table and photograph it. Im going to use food like she did and try and get the same type of tension building photos as she did. However, I’m going to have my own take on it by using makeup.  I am going to leave the objects on the table as if they have been left their freshly after use to give the photograph some background meaning.

The whole idea of the photoshoot is to have objects that can create someone’s background story and give meaning. I feel that if I use makeup after I’ve “just” applied it, it represents me. Laura uses the “I did Not Remember I Had Forgotten” aftermath idea from a ‘sumptuous gathering or dinner party’ as you can clearly tell from the used bowls and left over food.

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