Magazine Spread

In order to get an idea on how I want to lay out my magazine spread I have decided to research into different spreads online and in real magazines, this will help influence my ideas and give me inspiration for my own work.

When looking at spreads on google images and in magazines I find that there is an equal variety of both pictures and text. I want to keep this in mind when creating my own spread so that it isn’t text or picture heavy.

Most spreads either have a main image and then have little images around it or have an image taking up one page with small pictures on the opposite page. The text is usually quite small and in columns to keep it neat, whether that is in block paragraphs or shaping around the surrounding images. As stated before I would like to have an equal amount of pictures and text as I feel it would be more appealing to the public eye. If there was too much writing the audience wouldn’t want to read the magazine or would be as interested. I want to include a main quote in the middle of the text, this will highlight points of the main body text. The beginning of the text always starts off with a single bigger letter, I think this is very effective and makes the text as a whole look good and shows structure.

Most of the magazine spreads have white backgrounds, I am going to do the same as I think it makes the spread look much crisp, neat and cleaner. It also makes the audience focus on the images and text instead of getting distracted by other colours and patterns, it also makes it easier to read the text as there is nothing else behind it.


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