Presentation Case Study

I visited David Hockey’s exhibition at Tate Museum in London, as well as being able to admire his work I focused on the layout and format he had decided to present his work in. One part of the exhibition that stood out to me the most was where had his iPad illustrated finished work on the wall but had the iPad itself showing the progression towards this. He presented a video on an iPad of his drawing the final piece, this showed pre and post production. As I have doing s contrast between the front cover of a magazine and the inside spread I am also using pre and post production within my work. I am inspired by the way he’s been able to show this in a different format.

He has also hung a lot of his work up on the wall, something which I thought was very effective and stood out to the eye of the public. People were able to stand in front of the paintings whilst having space around them, it was more of a relaxed environment instead of graphics everywhere. Another part of the exhibition that stood out to me what the four seasons, in the room there was large screen on each wall, it showed video graphics of the four seasons. this allowed the public to be in amongst his project and be able to view it from any angle of the room.



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