Landscape Portrait Shoot Contact Sheets- Mary Ellen Mark

Contact Sheets:







I really enjoyed this shoot as I was able to work around something I love, my family. Being at the Age of 10 I feel they really enjoyed the shoot posing for it as well as I did capturing the photos. I shot some of my photos close up as well as getting some full body shots. In both types of photos you can really feel their emotions and expressions within them. You focus on their faces as they are the main subject. I used the aperture feature on the top dial.  Depth of Field allows you to focus on the main object that is usually in the centre of the photo and have the background blurred; this makes you ignore what’s going on in the background. I focused on having most of my photos taking in shallow depth of field, this means that the closer object was in focus and the background is blurred. By changing the ISO I was able to play around with the different lighting until I got the right one.

Best Outcome:


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