Food Photographer Research- Texture

Linda Tubby likes to focus capturing pictures of all types of food. Linda has such a passion for food and cooking. This inspired her to take the photos for her projects based on food photography. When looking at her photos the thing that stands out the most for me is the colour. Each photo has a real pop of colour as the background is usually a clear plain colour, however is decorated with perfection. Not only does she just take photos of food but also develops her own recipes and writes features for magazines and her own books. She helps bring other peoples recipes alive for photography. She enjoys each step of creating the best picture possible, from the cooking of the food to the composition of each item in the photo. The way she positions each item in the photo helps the food look more appetising enough to eat. When used in cook book the pictures engage and encourage the reader to then cook the food. Linda has an eye for food and can work well with this technique.

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In order to use Linda’s work for inspiration, I am going to collect together a lot of brightly coloured food to take photos of like a pre production process of how the food looks before used in a recipe. I can then take photos of the finished  food product whilst presenting it well on a decorated plate infront of a background.

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