Francesco Tonelli – Back in time for dinner

Back in time for dinner is about a family changing their lifestyle around food, experiencing the way they would prepare and eat food back in the days. This is to show how much our lives have changed depending on the foods that are available to us.

If this type of food like rations were only available to Francesco Tonelli at the time whilst he was shooting for his food photography projects then the food in his photos and the way he positions and prepares his food would be different. Depending on what would be available to him would change the outcome of his photos. However, Due to the food items included in his photos, it goes to show when capturing sweet foods he uses old brands of chocolate, ice cream and sweets. For example, he has taken picture of Godiva Chocolate, a chocolate that has been around since 1926. The photos focus on the contrasting of colours between the dark coloured chocolate and brightly coloured fruits and flavouring that used in the chocolate itself.

Francesco started off taking pictures of dishes in order to document them for his students. He then would take pictures of his meals at home, whilst doing this he would play around with the settings on his camera in order to get the best pictures possible. Back in the day he wouldn’t have been able to access the lighting he has used today, he has most likely used a soft box as the lighting isn’t harsh at all. The edges and curves on the items are all smooth and the food looks so appetising that it makes you feel hungry by just looking at it. The liquid foods really do show as the lights reflects off and creates a white boxed shine.

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