Inspired shoot using Colour- Contact Sheets

Contact Sheets:

I feel this shoot went really well because not only did I enjoy myself by seeing music artists I love such as Justin Bieber and Nick Jonas; I was able to take the pictures I wanted as it wasn’t hard to capture a picture without having bright colours involved. I liked to capture shots of the full stage to show all the colour involved. For example, Nick Jonas’ set covered the full stage full of colour with purple, pink and red thin lights that intertwined with each other. I was able to attend another concert at Brixton Academy a couple weeks before that I was able to use the pictures i took for this shoot as they fit in with the colour theme, Years & Years set was full of bright contrasting colours through out the whole hour. I feel more with their set that the colour depended on the mood of the song, Eyes Shut is quite a slow song so the lights were dimmed and blue. I think that this colour scheme went really well with the song. The bright colours I captured I feel were definitely inspired by David Lachapelle, however i was able to have my own take on his use of colour just in a concert environment.

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