Jill Greenburg Research- Tone

Jill Greenburg is a photographer based in America who is known for her portraits. She has had a passion for taking photographs since the age of nine. She has started her photography off by taking photos of her dog. She has taken classes at the Cranbrook Academy of Art and the Detroit Institute of Arts. She had also attended the Photography Summer Session that was held by Parsons School of Design in Paris in the year 1984. She had completed the coursework at Brown University in 1988 and by the end she had graduated with honours from the Rhode Island School or Design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in photography.

One of the projects that Jill had taken pictures for was a portraiture coloured lights shoot. I really like these photos as colour is a key point for me when analysing photos. I feel the brightly coloured lights stand out to me the most out of all the photos she had taken. These would have been taken by having her subject stand in front of a plain coloured background, preferably black or white and have 1 light either side of the subject shining towards them projecting the light on them. On the light there would be coloured gel plastics to make the light a certain colour when the flash goes off. This makes the photos very colourful and creates tone due to light coloured points of the face and body and shadows due to the parts where the light doesn’t catch. Depending on how the flash comes out and how long it is on for due to shutter speed depends on how strong the colour is. Within these photos she was trying to capture fashion and beauty which I think she has done successfully. The colours overrule the photo however as you are wanting to focus on them more. When looking at the tone element of each photo you notice how well the photos have come out and how well she has positioned the subject in order to achieve these shots.  Here are some examples of her work below:

Another example photographer that takes photos using the coloured lights is Zoey Grossman, She has used Celebrity recognition for her photos, this attracts a large ranged audience due to the fans of these celebrities. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez being apart of the photoshoots in particular. The lights aren’t as strong as Jill has used in her photos. Zoey’s coloured her photos lightly compared to Jill’ photos which are coloured harshly. The coloured lights photo shoots have really inspired me for this weeks shoot. Here are the pictures that Zoey has taken using celebrity impact:

For my shoot I am going to attempt to take portraiture styles photos and have the coloured lights shining in from both sides of the photo. These lights will project onto my subject making them turn the same colour as the light. To make this happen I will have a light on either side, I will have to use harsh lights on both sides as the plastic gels will not be able to fit over the large soft boxes. So in order to fix this I will have to stick the gels of a small harsh light whilst I take the photo.  I will experiment with different colours until I get the desired photo.

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