Unit 6: 3D Problem Solving

I have decided to research some 3D still images to help myself when it comes to creating my own 3D image. The images I have picked out I have thought about creating myself and taking my own interpretation into hands.

The nail varnish photos were a big contender in the mix as I own a lot of nail varnishes and can get a hold of them easily in order for me to mess around with them until I get the desired photography I want. I love the contrasting of colours and how the varnish intertwines with one another. The white background makes the colours stand out and attracts you to the photo. This photo would be a great advertisement for the nail varnish to show the colour consistency as well as what nail varnish colour it would go well with if you were into nail art. That type of advert would be for a target for an audience of people who are into nail art and design or just enjoy painting their nails.

However, I have chosen not to go forward with this idea as I wanted to take it a step further and test the patience I have of recreating the stringed objects photograph.

Solving 2D Problem Evaluation

This project required me to produce a poster styled advertisement to promote a product or issue using surrealism. I used the ‘impossible’ technique to emphasise my theme of anti-bullying. I wanted to promote the awareness of anti-bullying as everyone deserves the right of speaking out about their problems. To create a promotional advertisement using surrealism I took two separate pictures, one of my subject known as Maja standing there normally, this photo focused on her lips so I told her I slightly open her mouth so that when I edited the lips out of the image it actually looked liked lips.  The second photo I took was of Maja with her hand over mouth, this photo focused more on her eyes so I told her to look sad within her eyes. She used her eye contact cleanser to create tears streaming down her face.I then combined the photos together by taking the mouth and sticking it on top of her hand over her mouth on the other photo using Photoshop. I felt I could try other techniques so I took a photo where Maja is just standing there and blurred her mouth out completely so show that she didn’t want to speak about her being bullied. The messages within my photos are quite strong and clearly show how effective it is.

It took two shoots in order for my to achieve the right type of photos that I wanted. I didn’t feel the first shoot went as well as the second shoot. I only used photos from the second shoot as the photos came out much better and how I wanted.  My original intentions match best to my final outcome. I followed exactly what I planned step by step as I had a clear idea on what I wanted to do.

Unit 5 Introduction Project – Solving 2D Problems

Surrealism is when a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature which sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images.

Surrealism Examples


Surrealism Advertisement Examples

Photoshop is incorporated within these photos to make them unrealistic. This makes the photograph more interesting to look at as the objects in the photo are not normal looking as they have been manipulated to appear in a different way.