Stop Motion Evaluation

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I have made my 90 second Stop motion based on advertising the makeup brand Mac. As I have explained in my plan, I decided to use the idea that Chanel used when advertising their products by keeping my stop motion under one branded name, that being Mac. I feel this made my video look more presentable and neat than having a variety of different branded makeup in my video full of packaging of different shapes and sizes that could possible make it look messy. My idea was to present the Mac makeup under the name of beauty, I made the title “The Beauty of Makeup” to show how a few makeup products could make a girl feel good about themselves, this doesn’t mean to say that you need makeup to feel or look beautiful.

To make this video I used a tripod to make sure the photos were taken all in the same position so that when they were put together to make the video there was no sudden movements due to jolting cameras. I shot my photos on my dressing table in my bedroom, I felt this worked best as my dressing table is white making the products put on top of it stand out and the table top is glass so that when I wrote on it with Lipstick it was easy to wipe away again without damaging the surface. I started off with natural lighting, I know I mentioned previously how I wasn’t going to due to another stop motion I worked on that went terribly wrong, However I managed to shoot in the day the title part of the video and when I finished it later on I was able to adjust the camera settings to brighten the photos so that my images were consistent all the way through my video.

I had finished my shoot with 850+ photos ready to be put into premier pro to make my video, the editing process was actually easy this time round compared to previous times I have tried to edit my stop motion videos, I think this is because I knew what to do this time due to practice and learning on the way. If I was told to edit this 90 seconds long video the first time round without using this software before in my life I would have struggled badly. I dragged in my 850+ photos and put them all to 0.3 seconds each, this being to long and making my video 1 minute, 43 seconds when I needed my video to be 1 minute 30 seconds exactly. To make it 1 minute 30 seconds I adjusted the writing lipstick on the table images to 0.2 seconds which shortened the video the way I wanted it. I managed to get the exact 90 seconds in the end.

I wanted to make my video enjoyable to watch and to do so I added some up beat music in the background, my choice of song was ‘What you Know’ by Two Door Cinema Club, I chose the instrumental version so that there was no singing as I feel like that could distract the audience from what is going on in the video itself. As the video had to be 90 seconds the music suddenly stops at an awkward loud part of the song, this was just the way it worked out as I placed the first 90 seconds of the song into the video. To avoid the awkward stop I faded out the music towards the end by dragging in an audio transition called ‘Constant Power’ over the top of the last few seconds of the audio. I could chose how long the fade of could last for before the ending of the video.

Apart from possibly seeing a small logo on the packaging, I never stated what brand it was until the very end, I feel like if this was to air somewhere like on TV it would make the audience intrigued to see what makeup brand this was and where all of these wonderful products are from. Therefore, leaving the makeup brand name until the end was the right decision has it will leave the audience watching until the end to find out the brand.

The text was easy to add; simply add a text box and write what you want it to say. In my case it was “Mac Cosmetics”, to get the “Mac” bigger than the “Cosmetics” I had to make two separate text boxes, I made the “Cosmetics” text font smaller in order for it to fit underneath the “Mac” text. I think the composition of the text is more interesting to look at than just writing “Mac Cosmetics” across the screen. As the Music fades out I got the text to fade out also, I think this really makes a change to the video and makes it look like a lot of effort has been put into it. To do this I lowered the opacity number to zero so it faded from 100 to 0 meaning it completely disappears by the end of the video.

This video definitely took time to make due to the small movements of the products between each shot, however was so worth it as I am so pleased with my final video outcome. If I was to do this again I would try shooting in the studio, I couldn’t this time round as it was difficult for my to bring that amount of makeup into college especially with the amount of money each product costs, I could afford for anything to damage. Once again I would like to try soft box lighting, however this time round I did like my lighting as it was consistent through out my video but to be able to say I used it would help the quality of my video. As I have previously mentioned, if we were asked to do this again I would definitely be more confident about it than I was when we first started learning about stop motion. My connection and understanding with Premier Pro and the way stop motion works has grown and has enabled my to learn new skills. I would say I am able to explain how the software works to someone who hasn’t used it before or help someone who is struggling to work it.

Self Assessment Sheet

Final Stop Motion Research

For my final stop motion movie, I have decided to do a 90 second long animation about how beauty matters in different ways to different people by basing it around beauty products to promote them. I have researched a few videos from you tube to get some ideas for my own.

Here are a few videos that I have picked out and got some inspiration from:

All-time beauty faves – Stop motion

In the video I like the idea of the products moving on their own and I would love to use this idea when making my own stop motion. I also like the variety of different products through out the whole video as it was nice to change it up a bit every now and then. Another thing I really liked and would definitely consider trying for my video is the catchy up beat background music. The music definitely kept it interesting and made me want to carry on watching. Nothing worse than watching a video on something you like but it being ruined by bad background music. However, The one main this that I didn’t like about this video was that it was too jumpy, the pictures didn’t flow very well as they were taken, the object was moved far too much and not in little steps then that photo was taken again. Id you were to compare the photos together one after another there would be a massive difference instead of just a little. The is a technique I would definitely not include in my stop motion video as I want my video to be as smooth running as possible.

Nouvelle publicité Chanel Makeup Studio, en stop motion

This is a perfect example of how I’d like my stop motion video to turn out. It promotes one brand; Chanel and plays around with a variety of different make up products to make items out of them such as little people. I love that this video flows so smoothly you wouldn’t even expect it to be a stop motion made of lots of pictures. In order to make this video there must of been hundreds if not thousands of pictures for it to run this smoothly without being jumpy at any points within the video.